It has been a focused and inspiring start to the year for the project and our team as we enter this three-month phase of work, with Abenhall now being our exclusive focus as the potential home for the Being Peace Practice Centre. During this time, we continue deepening our consultations with the community, preparing for the next phase of the fundraising campaign, and progressing through the pre-application process with the local council.
We’ve also been working on a new film, along with other exciting updates that we look forward to sharing with you in the coming weeks.

In January, we were heartened by the enthusiastic discussions on geographical inclusion during the Being Peace Sangha Evening. It was helpful to hear so many thoughtful ideas on shaping an inclusive vision—ideas we will continue to develop and share in more detail over time.
A few weeks ago, representatives from Affinity Sanghas, members of the teaching body and course leaders, together with Sister Tam Muoi and Brother Phap Lai had an opportunity to visit the Abenhall site. Their insights on the location’s suitability, accessibility, and potential future programming were invaluable. The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, and we are excited to share some of their reflections in this newsletter.
A Community-Centred Vision
It was profoundly moving to see such a deep and wide representation of our community at the Being Peace Sangha evening on January 12. For this project to truly flourish, it must be shaped and embraced by our rich and diverse community.
Recognising this, it is essential that all voices are expressed and heard in a myriad of different ways as the seeds of our Being Peace practice centre are sown and begin to bear fruit. This is slow, steady work that is building on a solid foundation of our collective practice and much determined and loving work stemming back 28 years to when Thay first shared his vision for a UK Practice Centre. We are deeply committed to finding ways how the centre can generate energy for the benefit of the whole community and the discussion generated during the last Being Peace Sangha Evening including valuable ideas for supporting the geographical inclusion of the regions that are less well-served by this location.
Some of the ideas shared during the Being Peace Sangha Evening:
- Financial assistance for those for whom long-distance travel would be unaffordable
- Organising coach travel from regional hubs
- Supporting retreats in regions that are less well-served by the this location
- In the long term—once the centre becomes stable and financially self-sustaining, as Plum Village France has—working towards setting up satellite centres to improve accessibility across all areas
If you missed the January 12th evening or would like to revisit it, you can watch the recording here. Our next Being Peace Sangha Evening of practice and updates will be on February 16th. We look forward to sharing this evening with you all and invite you to join us for a virtual walk through Abenhall. If you haven’t already, please register below.
Building a legacy of Peace: reflections from Abenhall visit

I visited Abenhall representing the Smiling sitters, an online Sangha welcoming neurodiversity, with a mission to also check out accessibility for someone using a wheelchair.
What struck me most was the huge potential of the site and how easy it was to imagine a Being Peace centre growing swiftly from the existing buildings and grounds: outdoor spaces for mindful walking and silent contemplation, still water reflecting, a courtyard perfect for singing, a beautiful accommodation block with excellent accessibility features, barns that could easily be developed into meditation halls, space to camp, space to grow food. Along the valley, only sounds of nature, which, with a prepared route down from the buildings, could be accessed and enjoyed by all. It was not difficult to imagine the vital continuation of Thay’s teachings in this beautiful, peaceful setting.
Smiling Sitters Neurodiversity Sangha
Sib. Yonten Phuntsok
‘I was fortunate to enjoy a virtual live video tour of Abenhall during the recent weekend visit. I also attended a meeting to discuss insights we may offer to meet the requirements of our affinity groups and Sangha for retreats and gatherings in the beautiful Abenhall space.
We explored shared needs around safeguarding and inclusiveness. Our breakout group included experienced practitioners from Rainbow, Colours of Compassion and Earth Holder Sangha, and I offered insights for Neurodiverse/Disabled practitioners.
Personally, I am encouraged by the space. The possibilities are expansive, and it provides such a fertile environment to plant more seeds. I noticed that the property across the road could also offer an exciting space to connect to the project in the future. With improvements over time for disabled accessibility and living space, whether through relatively simple adjustments or more extensive projects, such as creating access to the woodland, there are numerous possibilities within the 54 acres for us all.’
~ Sib. Yonten Phuntsok (They/Them/We)
Disability & Neurodiversity Rep. PVUK
‘It was a great honour to be invited to visit the Abenhall site, a place our beloved sangha may eventually call home. I found the journey a mindful doddle from the West Midlands, under an hour from Birmingham to Gloucester at a reasonable fare. A sangha sibling kindly collected me from the station but en route we talked of cycling the distance and this would be entirely manageable for those with the legs and lungs to keep the dharma wheels turning.
The Abenhall main dining and dharma hall is perfectly cosy and allowed us all to sit as family for our evening meal, a very enriching experience.
The grounds show promise and whilst they are quite steep at current, many commented they can imagine landscaped terraces or hillside huts on struts. I can envision a white chalk lotus shining back at me as the sun slowly sets behind. There are signs in the woodlands that we may have space for aspiring Zen archers and our own Great Bell. There is a lot to work with and whilst I’m mindful there may be more central UK locations I would be keen to keep the conversation going about this site.’
~ Kate (aka Jen )
Rainbow Sangha and Leaves of One Tree Sangha
Lauri Bower
‘We now have an invitation to create a hub of peacefulness that can resonate down the generations for thousands of years to come. It’s not just about me and what I can get out of this place, but what I can offer and co-create.
We have an opportunity to develop a tangible, physical home for Plum Village UK where all our many different Sanghas can come together and find themselves in a haven of quiet, engendered by like-hearted people practising together. We can walk the same path in this endeavour and create a beautiful path of peace for those not yet born to walk on in freedom.
This can be a place where we find our energy boosted by leaning into one another, finding joy and nourishment with friends we haven’t met yet as well as those we have.
We can meet personal, communal, and global challenges with Sangha eyes, ears, and hearts.
This can be a place to honour our spiritual and land ancestors, who have taught us many ways to come home, to be present, to care for ourselves and our wider selves, the land, our environment, and each other.
This can be a place for true love to flourish because we are willing to loosen our attachments to ‘my’ perceptions, wants, and desires. This can be a hub of love, true compassion, and kindness, as well as true companionship.
Are we willing to step into the not knowing, trusting that something really substantial and lasting will emerge? Are we willing to put our energy, hearts, and minds into making this a reality?
I believe we are ready for this!
~ Lauri, True Mountain of Non-Fear
Dharma Teacher in Training and Plum Village UK Mindfulness Courses Leader