Everyone who hears about our Being Peace Centre will right away have differing thoughts and perceptions as to what having a centre actually means. Some will see buildings and land; some will think of the financial and legal aspects of its management; some will think first of the meditations, or the warm gatherings around a fire with poetry, music and song that often feature on Plum Village retreats.
As our centre moves closer and closer to becoming a living reality, we are sharing this week about one of the most important parts of our preparation: a workstream called “People and Programme”, that has been gently evolving within the project for many years now.
Introducing the People and Programme Workstream
People are at the very centre of the Being Peace project: hearts and minds; practice and presence; and the deep aspirations of all who have worked and continue to work towards making Being Peace a living reality. Beyond this are countless more who will live, work, teach, volunteer or learn at the new practice centre – hopefully for generations to come.
In our video above, Ethan – a core advisor to our project and long-term member of this workstream – shares a little of his own experience volunteering within the “People and Programme” workstream for many years, and his exploration with the team of how we bring people together to support a really vibrant, alive and inclusive practice space, together with a programme that can truly support the whole of our community of practice in all of its beauty and diversity.
Supporting the culture of Being Peace through our organisation and administration
One of our explorations in this team is how we bring our skilfulness and care to all of the practical and administrative aspects that a centre requires. Elements such as policies and protocols that – while not the most exciting topics for everyone! – are some of the foundations that will shape how the community will live and work together and be supported in their practice and service.
As a charitable body we have a wide range of responsibilities and duties of care defined in law which we need to make sure that we are fully and responsibly taking care of, within the ethos and spirit of our tradition. This is for all of the people involved: the small number of staff, the residents and visiting teachers, the larger network of incredibly precious volunteers, and all those who come to learn and practice together at the centre. While our insights and practical ways of organising will grow organically over time, the starting set of policies and procedures will offer an important foundation and structure within which this organic creativity and vitality can safely thrive.

Help to craft our approach
We are currently looking for a volunteer from within the community who has professional experience working in the realm of Human Resources, to work with the team in helping us to develop HR relevant policies and procedures which will support the flourishing of the Being Peace Centre.
We are looking for someone who is interested in the meeting point between spiritual practice and organisational/legal matters, and is excited by the challenge of finding clear and beautiful words and policies that support safety and inclusion, fulfil our legal obligations, and help our community to continue joyfully and safely as a river together long into the future.
Our aim
Our aim is to develop a comprehensive set of policies by the end of this year, so we are looking for an experienced professional who would be able to volunteer between two and four hours per week across this period to help with drafting and reviewing text to meet this challenge.
If you think this might be you, please email nick@plumvillage.uk to set up an initial call to explore this opportunity.
🪷With a lotus to you from the Being Peace Project Team🪷