walking meditation after the rain with sun in the forest and a child playing in a puddle

Major gifts

Projects of this nature rest on a large groundswell of widely held support for the vision, together with a small number of people and organisations who may be in a position to make a transformative difference to the finances.

Become a Major Donor

We are seeking a small number of major, cornerstone benefactors who are in a position to offer a substantial donation to this project. Thank you for considering whether this might be an option for you.

Leave a Legacy

If you’re considering a legacy, we invite you to consider leaving a gift to support the centre’s evolution into a year-round Plum Village monastery in years to come.

Download our legacy information pack
Offer a Friendly Loan

If you are able to offer an interest free loan for a number of years, this would also be of great benefit to the project. We’d be more than happy to speak to you about this option.

Make a Pledge

If you are not in a position to make a donation or offer a loan immediately, you can still support us enormously by offering a pledge of future support. Pledges of this kind can help us to judge the price of property that we can confidently aim to bid for, without requiring you to make any transfer until everything is ready to go.

Support of this kind can make a difference not only now, but to the legacy of benefits that this centre will be able to offer our society long into the future. If you are able to consider offering this kind of transformative benefit, please contact us through the form on this page, we would be delighted to share further details of our financial and operational planning and explore how you may be able to support this vision. For any other offers of support or general queries, please get in touch with us here.