How can I help?

Our fundraiser relies on our community coming together in order to be able to make a Plum Village centre in the UK a reality. Your time and energy now will make a difference for generations to come.

Five ways to help found a centre for peace in the UK

Become a major donor

If you are in a position to support us with a major donation, a legacy in your will or a friendly loan, your contribution could make a transformative difference for the centre.
walking meditation after the rain with sun in the forest and a child playing in a puddle

Engaging your Sangha

Order flyers & brochures to display at your local Sangha. Come together to discuss how you can raise funds for the practice centre.

Collectively, we can build a Plum Village centre for peace in the UK.
Request Flyers & Brochures

Start your own fundraiser

Take part in a sporting event, set yourself a challenge, celebrate your birthday, organise a bake-off or benefit event with your local Sangha, or use your creative skills to make art - there are many ways to raise funds for the Being Peace Centre!

Follow us online

Stay updated on our campaign and enjoy our weekly content to enjoy. Please share our content to make our campaign travel the world!
You can find us on Instagram and Facebook
  • What does Being Peace mean to you? Let us know in comments 🙏💚 

And find out what Being Peace means for Satish Kumar, who will offer a special free online talk for us this Sunday 7pm UK time with the title: Being Peace: Peace within, Peace with People, Peace with Nature. 

Register via
  • Would you like to hear latest developments and updates in more detail? Do you have any thoughts, ideas and contributions related to the project you’d like to share with us? We’d love to hear from you! 

The Being Peace team warmly invites you for a small-group presentation and online ‘Sangha Eyes’ conversation. We are hosting these meetings this month, the next one on Wednesday 4th September 12:30 - 13:30 online.

More information here: 
We look forward to seeing you there!
  • A moving story from Marcus, an OI member and a generous supported of the Being Peace Centre.

Having served in Vietnam, Marcus’ life transformed thanks to Thay’s teachings, inspiring him to dedicate his life to being in service to peace and mindfulness . He decided to leave a gift in his will to the Being Peace Centre as one action to honour Thich Nhat Hanh teachings.

Watch full story here:
  • Are there any other questions about the Being Peace Practice Centre Project you’d like to ask? 

Let us know in comments or visit
  • People are at the very centre of the Being Peace project: hearts and minds; practice and presence; and the deep aspirations of all who have worked and continue to work towards making Being Peace a living reality.  Beyond this are countless more who will live, work, teach, volunteer or learn at the new practice centre - hopefully for generations to come.  

In this video, Ethan - a core advisor to our project and long-term member of this workstream - shares a little of his own experience volunteering within the “People and Programme” workstream for many years. 

We are currently looking for a volunteer from within the community who has professional experience working in the realm of Human Resources, to work with the team in helping us to develop HR relevant policies and procedures which will support the flourishing of the Being Peace Centre. 

See more at
  • One of our Trustees, Rehena Harilall, shares her vision for the Being Peace Practice Centre: 

‘It’s a centre that we should see as a place for healing, for ourselves and for others. For people from all walks of life to be able to be engaged in it, to benefit from it and also for the energy of it to go out, making it accessible to communities around, who may be disadvantaged, using it as a base for the teachings to move outward’. 

Hear more voices from our community sharing about the practice and the Being Peace Centre:
  • In this video, Tamsin from Wake Up London and Colours of Compassion Sangha speaks about the beauty and power of being on retreat, in person together. 

We are looking forward to sharing silence, a cup of tea under a tree, and moments of connection at the future Being Peace Practice Centre in the UK 💚

See more messages from community members and Plum Village friends at
  • Are you wondering about the location of the future Being Peace Centre? 

Are you curious to know how we envisage the centre to run in the future? When will it open? 

We will be sharing some of the frequently asked questions and responses in this new series so keep your eyes peeled for any questions you may be sitting with! 

If you don’t see your question answered in this post please visit:

Text description of the images below 👇 

Question: When will the centre be open?
Answer: Our optimistic best estimate is that it will be open for New Years 2025/26, but it could be up to a year before or after this date, depending on when we find the ideal property and how much work needs to be done

Question: Where will the centre be located?
Answer: The location will be central within the UK (possibly Midlands, Peak District or an adjacent region). We’re keen for it to be within affordable reach of many people from across the country for both weekend and week-long retreats.

Question: Who will run the centre?
Answer: A small community of long-term volunteers will live at the centre for up to 2 years, offering continuity of Plum Village practice throughout the year. Visiting teachers will facilitate retreats. The Trustees will be ultimately responsible for the centre, and there will be a small paid team including a centre manager. There will be opportunities for short-term volunteering at the centre and for an engaged wider sangha community in the region.

Question: Who will teach at the retreats?
Answer: Visiting monastics, facilitators and UK and European Dharma teachers, support by the resident practice community and experienced practitioners.

Question: Will the centre be user-friendly for people with mobility/sight/hearing difficulties?
Answer: Yes! For example, it will be wheelchair accessible and with the right set-up to support people with hearing difficulties. As soon as we have identified a building, we will be consulting with the various affinity groups in our sangha to make sure the centre is user-friendly, accessible and welcoming for all comers.
  • Satish Kumar, editor of the Resurgence & Ecologist magazine, shares his support for the Being Peace Practice Centre in this short clip. 

We are delighted to announce that Satish will be offering a talk at our Being Peace Sangha Evening in September 🙏

Sunday, 8th September 7pm - 8:30pm, online

Being Peace: Peace within, Peace with people, Peace with nature 

Live talk by Satish Kumar 

More information and registration on