We’re excited to invite you to take a virtual walk around the site and get a  glimpse of what it would feel like to be there in person.

With 54 acres of land, ideal for walking meditation and the future Happy Farm, along with 32 ready-to-host bedrooms, Abenhall offers extraordinary potential to become our community’s home, with the possibility of welcoming retreats later this year.

5 Tips Before taking the Tour

The best viewing experience is on desktop or tablets. If you’re on a phone, please rotate it horizontally for a better experience.

  1. Once you hit play, an automatic highlight tour will start.
  2. You can leave the tour at any moment, and walk around the property yourself, just like you can in Google Street View.
  3. You can resume the tour by clicking the play icon in the bottom left.
  4. You can go inside any building, and change the floor or view type with the floor selector icon and dollhouse icon
  5. Enjoy wandering around!

On your journey you can visit the Manor House, with its first floor dedicated to house a resident community, and the ground floor featuring temporary dining room and  kitchen. You can view the peaceful Meditation Hall and the Threshing Barn, which could become the future Dining Hall.

picture of abenhall manor for video about the being peace centre

Together, we can make Abenhall a future home for Plum Village in the UK. Your support whether through donations or spreading the word is crucial to help bring this vision to life.

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